Identity And Access Management

Enterprises today are moving from traditional environments to cloud at rapid pace, allowing businesses to be more agile, efficient and scalable. With sensitive information spread across multiple devices and servers, it is critical to protect our identities from the rising threat of cyber-attacks. A recent study established that nearly 60% of data breaches were caused by inside users (employees etc.) - by mistake or with malicious intent. Thus, it is very critical to establish, govern and continuously enforce access setup for enterprise entities, as data is increasingly crossing organizational boundaries.

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A robust Identity & Access Management (IAM) framework must deliver a comprehensive strategy delivering key dimensions of a strategic IAM framework, including:

  • Enabling companies to identify and establish the identity lifecycle for all enterprise entities
  • Automatically provisioning access including management of privileged access
  • Setting up processes for fine grained authorization and delivering single sign on capabilities across different channels of digital access
  • Establishing robust processes for governance and compliance with intuitive user interfaces
  • Ability to continuously monitor and assess risks posture across on premise and cloud resources leveraged by an enterprise

We offer best of breed Identity and access Services, Identity Governance and Administration Service, Access Management Service, Privileged Access Management Service and Risk Analytics Services as part of our Identity and Access Management portfolio.