Virtual Desktop Infrastructural Solution

Desktop PCs are notoriously underutilized, tying up capital, energy resources and management resources. Conventional desktops PCs also limit flexibility and productivity, tethering end users to individual machines and isolating active files on local drives.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructural Solution

The idea is simple. Instead of giving a user a local PC running a local copy of OS, you run the OS desktop software in your datacenter. Your users then remotely connect to and control their own instance of their desktop in a one-to-one manner from their own client device.

Just imagine! One single desktop consuming around 180W of power shrinks to just less than 10W and any organization having 300 desktops would save over 90% of electricity making its organization more greener..

Desktop virtualization solutions replace your traditional desktop computers with server-based thin client devices. Your full desktop operating system and applications are virtualized on highly reliable, fault-tolerant Servers located in a secure, managed data center environment. All the data that would traditionally reside on traditional desktop computers is stored on consolidated storage devices in the data center. Without compromising usability, users can access their familiar desktop environments remotely from any PC or thin client on the network, offering true mobility, extraordinary data protection and real control.

Desktop virtualization solutions are designed to provide end users with the same kind of capacity mobility that businesses demand from the rest of the infrastructure and that too at much better TCO and ROI.