Disaster Recovery Services

Disaster can strike your IT infrastructure anytime and when they do, it is usually without notice. When that happens, you can imagine the potential impact on your capability to save your customers and run your business.

The cause of the disaster can be natural – like an earthquake, flood or human – such as inadvertent deletion of critical data or just a plain system failure. With a robust, tested DR plan, you can respond in a systematic, non-chaotic manner to a disaster, restore the integrity of your hardware, software and data and resume system operations in the shortest time possible. It also minimizes any damages to your organization’s reputation.

Tech9labs experts bring a comprehensive DR and Availability management solution with either CAPEX (Build and Transfer) or OPEX (Outsourced) model. Our experts with years of experience help you with:

  • Strategic Consulting,
  • Deployment and Implementation
  • Monitoring and Management.

Business Continuity and DR Planning call for solid expertise

  • End-to-end Solution partnership
  • Structured methodology benchmarked on International Standards and Practices
  • Capability to size and solution multi-site DR with a complete suite of IT management and services
  • Tool based DR management
  • Structured testing and drills
  • Partnered with World class facilities for hosting and managed services

Disaster Recovery is not a one-time activity; it is an ongoing process from the time of strategizing the plan to managing it. We make sure that your DR plan and its execution is in sync with your business requirement as well as the environment in which you operate.